Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | crt screen | earth | monitor | plant | poster | reckoner | sky | window | windowpane OCR: Features Benefits Sofiware Previery ES Alloys you to elerta a portion original tuaum xop climinating the necd to recan the entire document each time you make an adjustment Streamlines the scanning proress pue saves you time Settings dialoguc Lets you samplc the effects : of changes to an im- age you can choose the desired sellings bcfore the entire : image is scanned. -.... Brigghtness contrast controls Allows youi to be. creative giving you com choicc of I hralftone pattems and gray plcte oontrol OVCr how the scanned image appcars map settings on u roen and low it looks when printed r Selectable andl uscr-definable Lets yuI l how the: computer r interprets halftone displays. and prints continuous-tone information, photographs ...... Keduction/ /Fnlargcment capability Lets you enlargc or t ...